How to support our Programs

There are many ways in which you are able to join us in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in Bangladesh.  

Our recent appeals can be found from the links below.  For the most up to date information see our Facebook page or contact our UK or Bangladesh offices.


PRAY: The most important thing is to pray for us, for our leaders, Life Groups, Schools and all the events, for men, women, boys and girls to come to know the Saviour Jesus Christ. Prayer releases God’s power into our situations and makes the resources of heaven available to help and protect us. It is the very most you can do.

INVITE: We would love to visit your church or prayer group. Drop us and email or phone us to discuss dates. We can bring a presentation tailored to the time available, from a 10 minute slot through to a full hour of video and photos.

How to support our Programs 1DONATE: Our events are run in faith of God’s provision. As the ministry, with God’s blessing, continues to grow, and inflation hits Bangladesh, the costs continue to rise. Your gifts, however large or small will make a difference to young and old in Bangladesh. Most of our work is in rural areas where people live hand to mouth for a few pounds a day.

SKILLS: If you have skills in teaching or building, have you considered giving your time in service overseas? Join us in Bangladesh and see first hand how God is growing the ministry at this time. Visit our Life Groups and schools. A DBS check will be necessary together with suitable references.

TRUSTEE OR REPRESENTATIVE: We are looking for Trustees to serve in the UK and to help share our story with churches and prayer groups around the country.

LEGACY: Have you considered leaving a part of your estate, through your will, as an investment in Mission? Your kindness could make a serious difference to the finances of L4B and help us to achieve sustainability.

PARTNERS: We are looking for larger donors and sponsors to partner with us in funding the larger events, conferences and building projects. As we grow the costs are difficult for Trustees alone to underwrite. Your help in identifying sources of funding to enable us to continue to grow and build God’s kingdom in Bangladesh will ensure the ministry continues through the next generation.
